Roll number 11 ( slowly I get to the end of NY photo-roll-overdose) - this was a roll spent on visuals, peeping and experiences at my second home in Brooklyn - GoodYoga at Greepoint.
It rapidly became home, as I could know it in Brooklyn - homely feel walking Calyer Street in the end of days ( sometimes beginning of days). A home I utterly loved, enjoyed but highly indulged, as my daily life income unf. does not permit these kind of delights - but hey - youre only ONE TIME for the FIRST TIME in NY - so I went for it - and splashed a little money from my bank - and in return get to pay back, probably in the next 5 months or so.
What can I say, staying @ GOODYOGA was PERFECT for me: understated design and arty feel, free ashtanga yoga below my bedroom every morning and nice people around - not to mention the coziest room and BIG Bed I ever slept on - this is no average design lodging place - this is a home, build with so much love and belief by Raymond and Flannery, where youre kinda privilege to stay ( If you can afford it). Totally fuss free - the place offers a genuine modern/soul/design experience - and you I was delighted to each day discover somethig new about the place: a new corner, a new object, a new note - if you have the eyes you will see precious understated character and value everywhere - the place itself is a ever-changing home , design project in progress - and by staying there you get to be live the all experience: how Raymond and Flannery are building, improving, adding money cant buy value day by day to this love of them - and just by itself - the opportunity to watch this, theyre passion for GoodYoga and GoodDesign coming to life - was worth all the money I didnt had to spend.
Raymond and Flannery are genuine fuss free people, and just that by itself will make you feel 100% at home from day one. The all warehouse is abs. beautiful, always immaculate clean and super easy to stroll around - there are numerous love notes and reminders for you not to be lost around - so everything is really easy, the communal experience between lodgers and classes.
Finally, I got to meet Abbi - a human being worth her value in Gold - she is currently a collaborator at GOODYOGA and runs coaching workshops, where believe ME - you will get every drop of your essence worths. Thank you Abbi - I keep with me the small but BIG journey we took that afternoon - is priceless what I have encountered there. I hope your paths cross again one day :)))
Know, I wonder - why would I ever, ever want to stay in a regular hotel after this lodging experience (?)
The answer: I will not.
Hotels dont come with real people, real spaces, real home live experiences - and is this not ultimately the BIGGEST travelling experience one can get ?
Check them out for lodging or Yoga if youre in Brooklyn - I can sure you its time GOODSpent (!)
( lodging is available directly or trough theyre profile page @ AIRBNB)
GOODYOGA website -
Here some photos
five dollar chef
communal kitchen
GoodLight - GoodNight
GoodBye - GoodCake
GoodPoint - GoodYoga
the entrance gate
Hard to Focus On - Less is More
VERY GoodMusic
VERY GoodTaste
The (Guest) Nest
Bowie's stare
(on the way to the terrace roof)
GoodEndofDay - sunset 4 eyes
GoodMorming - Mezzanine view
(Raymond's stretch)
GoodPeepView ( Amy and Flannery talk)
Oh (Good) God
Flannery Sneakers
Good Cat Issues
Im just a girl
Top Cat
Lower Cat
Abbi's email
Good light - 2
GoodCats Underexposed