Monday, 29 November 2010


Finally, almost at the end of NY film -  did not realize until know how much I shot.
These are for Suzuki's last day workshop - to my great and good surprise Ximena allowed me to document the day ( usually no photos are permitted) - so I was gratefull and kinda of honored - thks ( I think those Zoeys shots worked out )- I was also invited to shot the pre-rehearsal of the upcoming performance ( Ximena + Suzuki) but DAWN - I had to return to London, so for this time I missed the opportunity.

The light was pretty difficult ( I refuse to shot with flash) for a 400 film -  usually the studio had the roof windows open and we had some daylight, but this day they were cover because of the rain -  leaving me with artificial light only -  hence the creamy colour of the photos as a result -  but to be honest I quite like it -  and it felt pretty much like that last day - a cosy, almost familiar space/ environment.

Heres the pics.

First peep

raising walk

opening ground

3 feet

direction -  one hand points

growing into floor

blue hair


scream your heart out

scream your heart out -1

scream your heart out -2

2 audiences

another view

2 profiles 

beautiful girl's hands


blurred vision

silent watch

Myu solo

main audience

5 lines

5 lines -  scream your heart out

5 lines -  scream your heart out 1

last minute audience

pls dont bore me

its a CAVE- cat's life

5 lines -  scream your heart out final

stare and notebook

not lost in translation

Size difference works
( this photo taken by Yukio Suzuki -  I like it very much -  thank you)

with glasses pls

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


It takes a little blood -  it took a little blood -  that only made the experience more truthful and significant.
There was never pain - just amaze, conquer and the will to move forward -  leave comfort zones -  explore vulnerability -  be vulnerable -  be totally free.

Being focused on myself and what I wanted to achieve -  no fear, no self-conscience - just arriving at a place of total freedom, where I could start to encounter myself, be introduced to my body and watch its quality, ist beauty, its movement and its creative potential. Re-discovering the body as a creative tool -  unique - my body has things to say, that no other could quite say the exact same way.

Accepting week points, and re-discovering them as beauty, advantages, skill -  tools to movement creation -  uniqueness -  personal movement speech.

It took a little blood -  but I did it -  for almost 3 weeks - I was able to enter unknown dimensions of my body and consequently movement -  focusing on this only -  not really giving thought to the past or future, to  success or failure, not worrying if I did good or bad, if I bored or impressed people, if I did myself proud or ashamed -  I did it,  I took the journey of experimenting in things I was scared to do.

It takes a little blood

The skin opens

The skin closes  -  butoh feet

Notes: I love this shot, the rawness of the truth in it -  maybe little shocking to viewer, but not for me -  this is exactly how my feet look when I do regular training. I felt no pain - every drop of blood, every bruise - came as a gift -  I live, I move, I create.

I also like that I can see clearly the drawings of my veins in my feet - , the blue/violet color of the blood, revealing under the skin.

NY - 9 shots for JASMIN (tres prive) performance

 Well, not quite nothing could have prepared me for the location choice of Jasmin's performance  - I mean Jasmin just of herself is quite a fascinating piece of puzzle  - we have done Suzukis workshop together and as two almost Brits in Brooklyn we hanged out and she took me on a few quite Jasmin experiences ( all GOOD of course) -  but please do not stop at her ladylike manners, her elegance, her taste for glamorous accessories or even the way she  ALWAYS carries her  handbag, lightly on her hand in opposition to her shoulder  -  even at 12 a.m walking slightly scared at BUSHWICK deserted, slightly dodgy, most likely dangerous streets, looking for a apparently GHOST Art Exibition.
If you have a bit of a voyeur eye, like myself ,  you can delight in all these while you experience Jasmin -  it has been a total pleasure to meet her and shot these.

So, one day  after workshop, I got my camera (S) and we walked out of CAVE - its a 10 m. walk away Jasmin told me - what could be shlighty challenging at daytime and a 10 minutes walk from sympha Bedford Av ?  Well, perhaps the amazing abandoned, huge, squatter inhabited ( perhaps ? ) warehouse that she chose for a improvisational piece where, she performs   in a dark wall hole illuminated only by one spot light, in her own baby Christian dress.

Fearless, she engaged, captivated and performed while myself - ( fearless -  same cannot be said for me ) -  I must confess as while shooting was simultaneously fearing mr. Psycho out of nowere guy to join the scene, chop us both in tiny little pieces and  hide our remains in multiples shopping smile bags -  did I get  DARK- CARRIED away (?) (?) ^^

from a 24 roll, only 9 made it -  this is not my best shot number performance I must confess -  but considering the extreme challenging lack of light for a 400 speed film -  well, I think we have done well.

Here the shots.
Performer: Jasmin Perrow

Monday, 22 November 2010

NY Elevents - this is GOODYOGA ( brooklyn second home)

Roll number 11  ( slowly I get to the end of NY photo-roll-overdose) - this was a roll spent on visuals, peeping and experiences at my second home in Brooklyn - GoodYoga at Greepoint.

It rapidly became home, as I could know it in Brooklyn -  homely feel walking Calyer Street in the end of days ( sometimes beginning of days). A home I utterly loved, enjoyed but highly indulged, as my daily life income unf. does not permit these kind of delights -  but hey -  youre only ONE TIME for the FIRST TIME in NY - so I went for it - and splashed a little money from my bank -  and in return get to pay back, probably in the next 5 months or so.

What can I say, staying @ GOODYOGA was PERFECT for me: understated design and arty feel, free ashtanga yoga below my bedroom every morning and nice people around -  not to mention the coziest room and BIG Bed I ever slept on -  this is no average design lodging place -  this is a home, build with so much love and belief by Raymond and Flannery, where youre kinda privilege to stay ( If you can afford it). Totally fuss free -  the place offers a genuine modern/soul/design experience - and you I was delighted to each day discover somethig new about the place: a new corner, a new object, a new note - if you have the eyes you will see precious understated character and value everywhere -  the place itself is a ever-changing home , design project in progress - and by staying there you get to be live the all experience: how Raymond and Flannery are building, improving, adding  money cant buy value day by day to this love of them - and just by itself -  the opportunity to watch this, theyre passion for GoodYoga and  GoodDesign  coming to life - was worth all the money I didnt had to spend.

Raymond and Flannery are genuine fuss free people, and just that by itself will make you feel 100% at home from day one. The all warehouse is abs. beautiful, always immaculate clean and super easy to stroll around - there are numerous love notes and reminders for you not to be lost around  - so everything is really easy, the communal experience between lodgers and classes.

Finally, I got to meet Abbi - a human being worth her value in Gold - she is currently a collaborator at GOODYOGA and runs coaching workshops, where believe ME - you will get every drop of your essence worths. Thank you Abbi -  I keep with me the small but BIG journey we took that afternoon - is priceless what I have encountered there. I hope your paths cross again one day :)))

Know, I wonder - why would I ever, ever want to stay in a regular hotel after this lodging experience (?)
The answer: I will not.
Hotels dont come with real people, real spaces, real home live experiences - and is this not ultimately the BIGGEST travelling experience one can get ?

Check them out for lodging or Yoga if youre in Brooklyn - I can sure you its time GOODSpent (!)
( lodging is available directly or trough theyre profile page @ AIRBNB)

GOODYOGA website -

Here some photos

five dollar chef

communal kitchen

GoodLight -  GoodNight


GoodBye -  GoodCake


GoodPoint -  GoodYoga
the entrance gate


Hard to Focus On - Less is More

VERY GoodMusic

VERY GoodTaste

The (Guest) Nest

Bowie's stare

(on the way to the terrace roof)

GoodEndofDay -  sunset 4 eyes

GoodMorming - Mezzanine view

(Raymond's stretch)








GoodPeepView ( Amy and Flannery talk)

Oh (Good) God

Flannery Sneakers

Good Cat Issues

Im just a girl

Top Cat

Lower Cat

Abbi's email

Good light - 2

GoodCats Underexposed