Saturday, 25 September 2010

THIS is ME - indirect

always, a indirect appearance, a reflective existence
( self portrait )

Friday, 24 September 2010

GoodKarma - loft lodging, yoga, backpacking NY

second backpacking place to lodge in NY
I cant believe I found this place: yoga/artist lodging, super cheap, super nice + in room rent is included morning roof yoga session
I cant believe I am waking up in the morning and do the salutes on a warehouse roof, looking over NY
:))))) (!) (!) (!)

Spoke with the owners today, seem like 5 star people
+ I can eat ayurvedic meal from studio chef for 5$

The room is a open place loft with communal space on kictchen
there is also a working room , with projectors, screens and sound for the residents - so cool -  i will be able to work on some impro. videos after the butoh classes

Might not come back (!)

soooo, amazing (!) (!) (!)
cant wait
NY :)))))

yoga elf + smiling Buddha ^^

morning yoga class on roof

my room ^^ small and cute

shared kitchen - nice 

living room

free internet

music + screening work room

shared bathroom

Fall butoh workshop london - Yuko Cokasebi

Fall comes in London
Cold is here already
but busy times, and many exciting things happening in london in butoh
the fall workshops -  bring here once a year - the best butoh teachers/performers currently

Last workshop was with Yuko Cokaseki - what a interesting person and performer.
We talked a little, she recommended  a butoh course in Japan with Min Tanaka - Body weather farm in JP -  its on my wish list for next year, lets see.

Dont know if I will survive, after the 2nd day of Yukos workshop, I had to rub BIOFREEZE all over my body.

Next is workshop with Atsushi Takenouchi -  Jinen Butoh -  breading, wanted todo this workshop in France Pyrineus -  butoh classes in nature -  but no more money this year with NY coming soon.

I look forward, always great experience
Heres some photos of Y.C.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

THIS IS FOOD - Yohi's clear seafood soup

my favorite food -  could eat this everyday
Pitty the roll was B/W - will re-shoot again with color film -  but really like the light circle on the border of the bowl - almost a perfect circle -  its a light reflection on the soup.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

THIS IS TRAVEL DANCE - Brooklyn + butoh + Cave OCTOBER

So just a bit more than a month to go to my NY first dance trip. I will be doing a 20 days intensive workshop on butoh with Yukio Suzuki ( he is E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T) - very excited (!)

Plus discovering NY for the first time ( its been a long time I dont go first time to a different place - I am too well travelled , I am afraid ^^).

Also, traveling alone by myself - the way I like it -  NY and Brooklyn WILL be MINE ^^.

First week I will be staying in house at CAVE arts performance center - on a tree house room for artists -  tiny but exciting - they have cats too -  perfect (!)

After I decided I will be backpacking around the city - staying at different places/accommodation - to experience different parts of art/cultural NY.

But for sure I know I will be spending a lot of time in Brooklyn - there is just so much amazing stuff to see and do -  and perfect just found ZIP212 a art + travel hostel with a really promising roof terrace balcony -  excitement grows (!) -  Cant wait (!)

This year NY
but already thinking of nect year dance trips: Argentina and Japan for more butoh + tango

Meanwhile, just working my a** off to make money to cover this. Its worth it. No doubt- when I travel i live, when I dance I am  complete.

The amazing CAVE arts and performance org.
(later on just a post  on some of the really exciting work + artist that are currently based there)

The ZIP212 Art + Travel Hostel

ZIP112 is located on North 6th Street in Williamsburg.  Williamsburg is 
known as the neighborhood in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, and  is the home to a thriving 
art community. It is largely associated with one of its main streets, Bedford Avenue.  Currently, 
residents see Williamsburg as a lively neighborhood with easy access to Manhattan.

The balcony - I am SOLD

clean TOILET

+ can cook - brilliant

shared - OK - new experience

art center + experimental cuisine

lots of time HERE

and HERE

THIS IS DARK - Super Moon 8th September 2010

I always hope not to fall into darkness, not to find myself again, alone, cold in that place in me, not to be visited by her ... but I always do. Like yesterday night.

I also detest moon changes: new, super, old , any kind of moon cycles - I utterly hate them: they always affect me, disrupt me, trow me cold into doubt. I can say, I sincerely detest the sight of any moon: I wish they would abandon earth forever, vanish and go spill theyre malycency cold beauty somewhere else. i

But yesterday, was brutal.
To brutal
I dyed
I killed myself

 A total lost of control, hope, self - like a dark eraser, quickly coming and erasing all good that ever happened, stealing any good I ever owned,
stealing, stealing ...
stealing any little piece of life, of hope, of future, of purpose I ever managed to keep in whit me

leaving only detestfull  black emptiness
a narrow place deep down everything in me
where nothing fits: not hope, any hope, any hope
its the nothingness, the black, 
a small place where nothing can happen that is infinite, immense, overwhelming,
a small place that is so painfully BIG.

its a deep lonely place
where I am left to die, alone, cold, forgotten
as the night passes by
life happening all around me, outside me
outside me
oustside me,
visible but not reachable
and death
silently rooting in deep
inside me.

The hands moved
The fists closed
The legs quicked
I spilled hate inside me

The pain so intense,
No tears,
No scream,
No words,
No love
No understanding

Could contain.

And what a detestfull feeling
these of living dead,
waking up
in the morning
to the first days


THIS IS DARK - My worst fear is real life

(after barely surviving last night) : New Super Moon + passing Venus entering Scorpio (god help us until 7ht January 2011).
Darkness is here again, paying me a visit: deep, immense and overwhelming.

Dress the part

It's storytelling time

Sharpen your knives
Watering mouths
Clean your plates for some tender I

Tell me how the story ends now

Come home, come see our place
Our labyrinth to keep hiding
We push the boundaries
So the rules are bent
Just in time

Come wallow in my sorrow
Breathe your air into my lungs
What hides in my shadow?
My worst fear is real life
Tell me how the story ends now 

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

THIS IS FILM - concert escape and night park (experiencing RED@ Serpentine Pavilion)

Last week escaping the royal Albert concert (those soloist did not delivered really), I walked outside
and whiteout thinking, questioning, fearing, allowed my body to take me where it wanted to go.

I ended up walking at Hyde park at night. I remembered how I love and need to have night and nature in my life -  how it feels me with life.

By the time my legs stopped, I was in front of the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion. What a grad night end -  experiencing RED,  after all the dark green, and the lights and the sound.

I did not know I could experience color so intensely, trough space and architecture, like in here.
A new sense of RED, leaving colour and becoming this vertical, empowering masculine identity -  color, a feeling of being engulfed on everything that can mean intensity and the color RED -  engulfed, lost, diluted in RED- but always feeling as a somehow intrude guest.

And of course, I did not resist to leave without dancing impro. a little only ( because it was late and I was alone in the middle of the Hype Park). Space is becoming overwhelming influential and inspirational to my movement impro. work - it is as if I need nothing else to create. Space is a powerful relationship generator and I find myself sometimes discovering/ building more exciting relationships with space/objects than with people or other performers.

Can anyone be arrested for dancing publicly (?) I am not sure
I must  buy a camera q-u-i-c-k-l-y.

Some shots - a short visual story.

The concert

The Escape

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

THIS IS FILM - meeting Jana - Summer is back (?)

Last time I met Jana, I was reminded of London's good weather ... while having tea, waiting for poor Jana ( stuck in the bus, victim of British strange weather/transit phenomena ).

I will never understand what is with the weather and the british, and why if:

1) There is sun the traffic stops
2) and why if there is rain, the traffic stops to.

A mystery. Forever.

As just I got in the starbucks, lovely English rain starts to poor down, and them of course, we got that majestic grey, dense sky.

It pored for 10 minutes, and they it all calmed down, there was silence, just a couple of people escaping in the street.

By the way, loved the startbucks recently promotion poster: Summer is back (!) (?) ( very app. for the day)

( Summers back (?) (?) - yeah, right )

THIS IS FILM - my street (encounters)

The other day I was coming home after work and a new cat from my street came to say hello and followed me to my door -  when I was at the door he looked up at me, turned around and went away ( cats, so typically of).

I really liked this cat, he/she was very charming -  in a feline way, almost seducing me it felt.

Another strange encounter was one day when I left the house, there was a BOAT parked in front of my flat (!) weird (!)

Here the photos.

beautiful, like a little tiger

 ( the clothes in the floor are my laundry ^^)
The cat  liked the plastic - a lot

The boat parked outside my flat Saturday morning (!)
never happened before (!) (!) (!)

Monday, 6 September 2010

THIS IS FILM - Life Modelling at V.G. atelier

This is the BEST place I have worked on.
V.G (the painter I am working for  at the moment) just moved into a new studio: a abandoned old english pub, in which 6 other artist live and work -  when I go there I could just not leave. I love the place, the people, the smell, the music, the colors, the fact that always someone picks up a guitar out of nothing and starts to sing,  and especially the memories that it creates on my vague mind, whilst I stay there, still, posing ....

I love my work,
so much peace, so much beauty
Thank you