Friday, 24 September 2010

Fall butoh workshop london - Yuko Cokasebi

Fall comes in London
Cold is here already
but busy times, and many exciting things happening in london in butoh
the fall workshops -  bring here once a year - the best butoh teachers/performers currently

Last workshop was with Yuko Cokaseki - what a interesting person and performer.
We talked a little, she recommended  a butoh course in Japan with Min Tanaka - Body weather farm in JP -  its on my wish list for next year, lets see.

Dont know if I will survive, after the 2nd day of Yukos workshop, I had to rub BIOFREEZE all over my body.

Next is workshop with Atsushi Takenouchi -  Jinen Butoh -  breading, wanted todo this workshop in France Pyrineus -  butoh classes in nature -  but no more money this year with NY coming soon.

I look forward, always great experience
Heres some photos of Y.C.