second backpacking place to lodge in NY
I cant believe I found this place: yoga/artist lodging, super cheap, super nice + in room rent is included morning roof yoga session
I cant believe I am waking up in the morning and do the salutes on a warehouse roof, looking over NY
:))))) (!) (!) (!)
Spoke with the owners today, seem like 5 star people
+ I can eat ayurvedic meal from studio chef for 5$
The room is a open place loft with communal space on kictchen
there is also a working room , with projectors, screens and sound for the residents - so cool - i will be able to work on some impro. videos after the butoh classes
Might not come back (!)
soooo, amazing (!) (!) (!)
cant wait
NY :)))))
yoga elf + smiling Buddha ^^
morning yoga class on roof
my room ^^ small and cute
shared kitchen - nice
living room
free internet
music + screening work room
shared bathroom