Thursday, 25 February 2010
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
1) The Fallen Angel by Duane Michals, 1968:
I have discovered this recently, while researching Duane's work for a self portrait project. It was like a breath of fresh air, to look again at photos who have a real ad honest depth to it (we unfortunate existing in the era of the trendy, ephemeral, fast and furious I wanna be poise syndrome). Its theyre honesty that makes us stop and allow us to be touched.
I would not necessarily know or share a lot from Duane worlds, apart from his taste for angel alike, curly hair boys...but in this particularly photo sequence, the message seems quite striking - at least for me.
It gives me a feeling of familiarity, a "I have been there" , a "I totally understand where you are coming from on this one"... men, boys ( but not exclusively), they are all fallen angels, theyre intentions are always the best, theyre standards are always of the highest ... but ultimately, they are fated to fail, many times, in theyre quest for love... and most often painfully throned back to theyre very human, very erratic, very self centered, very numb nature ...
Do we feel sorry, do we understand, do we take pleasure or do we forget?
2) Mixed illustrations + conceptual art images:
Rediscovering the pleasures of fine line drawing ( It has always been my thing) and studying the mysteries of perception: arriving to a different point of view.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Afford it ...
These have been haunting me lately, one can only Dream and go into photoshop therapy ...

Sunburst lace-up Wedge boots by OPENING CEREMONY @LIBERTY - 270£
2 - Hair + net Head Piece by Tomihiro Kono @ www.tomihirokono.comShaped Riders Jacket by Marjan Pejoski @ OPENING CEREMONY - only $ 675.00
These have been haunting me lately, one can only Dream and go into photoshop therapy ...

1 - Open Shoulder Shirt by G.V.G.V. @ OPENING CEREMONY - only $ 350.00Cut Out Stockings by TOGA ARCHIVES @ OPENING CEREMONY JP - many, many, many YENS for sure ....
2 - Hair + net Head Piece by Tomihiro Kono @ www.tomihirokono.comShaped Riders Jacket by Marjan Pejoski @ OPENING CEREMONY - only $ 675.00
Denim Trimmed Skirt by OPENING CEREMONY@ OPENING CEREMONY - only $ 210.00
3 - ( pure frustration)
Best birthday present 2010 ...
Guess what, this year the best birthday present I have received was this self custom Crazy/Emo video- check it out - if you choose a really silly photo - its very funny... and totally unexpected!
This was sent to me by Yuko, one of my virtual Japanese friends, sweet! :)
Check it out, you can make your own!
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
The world needs more FLEET FOXES vibe ...
I have accidentilly discovered in all its beauty the FLEET FOXES work, odd enough but not atypical of myself, a good 2 years later of them being introduced to the world ...
Well, better late them ever... especially in this case, because this is timeless ...
I was just mindblowed by the way theyre music flashed straight directly into my soul, or whatever good I have inside me ... immediate CONNECTION ...
Bellow pretty much resumes what I feel about theyre work,
Check them out to wake up the soul in you, and if you end up thinking that these are just a bunch of Emo/Hippie guys, than guess what...
You may not be aware that you dont have a soul or heart at all....
(...There is something transcendental about this music, it has a sort of spiritual energy to it. The poetic elements of the songs are impressive, and the sincerity in the band's vocals evoke strong emotions. Fleet Foxes are a group of musicians who genuinely love music and the melodies they've created exude talent in every way possible.
Fleet Foxes music stands out in a time when musical styles have remained unchanged for so long. Their music is something different, a breath of fresh air, and it demands to be listened to. This kind of music doesn't really fit neatly into a category or style, there is not one single word that could stand alone to describe it.)
Read more at Suite101: Fleet Foxes Album Review: A Rare Ethereal Folk Inspired Debut http://indiemusic.suite101.com/article.cfm/fleet_foxes_album_review#ixzz0fhTNcd1U
angela costa,
Fleet foxes,
soul food
Monday, 15 February 2010
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Its complicated ...
Made these based on 2 shots I took this weekend randomly.
Walking around Soho, saw a appealing Red door, door was open ... got in, and shot these staircases.
The dymanics of the space and the colour made me want to pursue it further, so I went into collage therapy mode...
The two windows, I refered to them as my eyes ... and the all image reminds me the separation feeling one has while meditating, that moment when you separate from your body, and you actual feel your are inside of yourself. Its really a exciting when you can see from inside yourself...
The result, surprisingly looked much like what's going on right now,
It's complicated...
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Tiger mountain peasant song ( I love this song...)
( Cover of "Tiger mountain peasant song" by First Aid Kit ( original by Fleet Foxes)
This Lyrics are beautiful, to me it evokes beauty, sadness, loliness and mortality. The main message it speaks to me id one of dying while still living- utterly beautiful and soul touching...
Wanderers this morning came by
Where did they go
Graceful in the morning light
To banner fair
To follow you softly
In the cold mountain air
Through the forest
Down to your grave
Where the birds wait
And the tall grasses wave
They do not
know you anymore
Dear shadow alive and well
How can the body die
You tell me everything
Anything true
In the town one morning I went
Staggering through premonitions of my death
I don't see anybody that dear to me
Dear shadow alive and well ...
How can the body die ...
You tell me everything ...
Anything true ...
I don't know what I have done ...
I'm turning myself to a demon ...
I don't know what I have done ...
I'm turning myself to a demon ...
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
A peek inside and into 2010
These cards same out for me ... I found it interesting
I get it ( apologies, will not go further explaining these- its personal knowledge).
I wish tough to speak about the STAR card.
Apparently is my card, is also corresponding to my western zodiac sign: Aquarius
it features 7 background stars, while seven is also a part of me ( numerology)
I feel connected with this image, but still grasping to understand its full meaning.
The last impression on me was active energy, as in using, putting energy to a use. giving, but taking also ( the water belongs to the lake and the woman is taking water from the lake - think maybe the lake symbolizes the cosmo or something, the universal source of energy).
Anyway, ill keep on looking at it, its a beautiful, complex card!
angela costa,
new year 2010,
the charriot,
the lovers,
the star,
Tigers, after all, are excessive. 2010
Tigers, after all, are excessive ...
Bang on it is me, no ones fault , just the way it is and for this I am liked and more often them I would care, disliked.
I am excessive, utterly, in everything I am, feel, think or desire. And now what?
For the last 10 years or so, I have came to the know how much people love this, or hated it, or get freaked out by it ( that is the most common scenario).
I was busy just being myself, I guess ... and did not had a clue of this perception, not a tought given or any acknowledgment of the impact of the excessive me on others. I am aware of it now, and that has brought me two conclusions: tolerance ( or lack off) and emphaty ( must work on).
Many speak of selfishness ... I am in fact generous, perhaps too much, and again may times it has taken me to trouble and messy misunderstandings. I would rather like to speak about tolerance. Most people I met, are incapable off - zero tolerance to anything that speaks, looks, thinks or feel differently than I: a danger zone to be avoided...
So soon we will all grasp in the year of the metal tiger: 2010:
Impulsiveness, leading to mistake but also wisdom ( the trick is to have memory of that)
Crashing heads with our opposites, colliding with human mirrors, crashing on high ideals ...
Extasying on the beauty of the moment,
Forgetting the past,
Ignoring the future,
Deserting and being deserted,
Arriving and welcoming,
Loving and hating,
Giving and stealing ...
And of course, the touch cold of METAL, solidifying the memory, a infinite reminder of consequence...
All of this we can look forward,
And naturally, also about this I have been excessive...
somethings will never change...
I am happy with that!
Thursday, 4 February 2010
On my Birthday morning - 28 forever!
Well, I have just turned, 28 .... again .... (I just cant get enough of being 28)
Woke up with Michael roaring a B-day song and convulsing exclamation: its your birthday, its your birthday!! ( Bliss - is good to be loved, especially in your birthday) ... but all that excitement, as in being the cause of getting me out of bed kinda off slightly annoyed me...
My morning pressie was a Panda mask (????) ... that was funny, I liked that.
Michael was quick in taking that out of my hands, explaining how to put it on and advising: "its kinda of sexy, does it turn you on?" .... lol
Second pressie, it had snowed.... for the second year on a roll i had snow on my birthday. Was kinda of nice, made it feel kinda off special day.
Straight out of bed, I felt i had to record the way I looked on my ?? day ( yeah, no worries still on double digit-haha) birthday morning. So here it is: pyjamas, no make up and panda mask.
Them on camera instinct, I went around the flat on a quick hunt for anything interesting: the snow outside framed by the bedroom window, my check shirt reflection...
I got a shot of the bathroom, just right after taking a shower, and it was full on a steamy mood. I found it really beautiful, the steam moving slowly in the air, like cigarette smoke and the blue tones the all bathroom had that morming ( maybe because it was freezing!!). I found the blue Jeans, hanging on shower rail particularly perfect on this image.
The all thing, made me think, how cool to wake up one day and discover a moment of beauty inside of your own house, amoung your everyday stuff that you dont usually give a second look to. Beauty it is indeed in the eye of the holder.
angela costa,
first february,
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