Tuesday, 23 February 2010


1) The Fallen Angel by Duane Michals, 1968:
I have discovered this recently, while researching Duane's work for a self portrait project. It was like a breath of fresh air, to look again at photos who have a real ad honest depth to it (we unfortunate existing in the era of the trendy, ephemeral, fast and furious I wanna be poise syndrome). Its theyre honesty that makes us stop and allow us to be touched.

I would not  necessarily know or share a lot from Duane worlds, apart from his taste for angel alike, curly hair boys...but in this particularly photo sequence, the message seems quite striking - at least for me.

It gives me a feeling of familiarity, a "I have been there" , a "I totally understand where you are coming from on this one"... men, boys ( but not exclusively), they are all fallen angels, theyre intentions are always the best, theyre standards are always of the highest ... but ultimately, they are fated to fail, many times, in theyre quest for love... and most often painfully throned back to theyre very human, very erratic, very self centered, very numb nature ...

Do we feel sorry, do we understand, do we take pleasure or do we forget?

2) Mixed illustrations + conceptual art images:
Rediscovering the pleasures of fine line drawing ( It has always been my thing) and studying the mysteries of perception: arriving to a different point of view.