Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Tigers, after all, are excessive. 2010

Tigers, after all, are excessive ...

Bang on it is me, no ones fault , just the way it is and for this I am liked and more often them I would care, disliked.

I am excessive, utterly, in everything I am, feel, think or desire. And now what?
For the last 10 years or so, I have came to the know how much people love this, or hated it, or get freaked out by it ( that is the most common scenario).

I was busy just being myself, I guess ... and did not had a clue of this perception, not a tought given or any acknowledgment of the impact of the excessive me on others. I am aware of it now, and that has brought me two conclusions: tolerance ( or lack off) and emphaty ( must work on).

Many speak of selfishness ... I am in fact generous, perhaps too much, and again may times it has taken me to trouble and messy misunderstandings. I would rather like to speak about tolerance. Most people I met, are incapable off -  zero tolerance to anything that speaks, looks, thinks or feel differently than I: a danger zone to be avoided...

So soon we will all grasp in the year of the metal tiger: 2010:
Impulsiveness, leading to mistake but also wisdom ( the trick is to have  memory of that)
Crashing heads with our opposites, colliding with human mirrors, crashing on high ideals ...
Extasying on the beauty of the moment,
Forgetting the past,
Ignoring the future,
Deserting and being deserted,
Arriving and welcoming,
Loving and hating,
Giving and stealing ...
And of course, the touch cold of METAL, solidifying the memory, a infinite reminder of consequence...
All of this we can look forward,

And naturally, also about this I have been excessive...
somethings will never change...
I am happy with that!