Friday, 19 November 2010


During my aprox. 3x week stay at NY , and while I saw and met many new faces -  only 4 really interested me genuinely to add to this project -  again these are not close friends -  just strangers to whom I felt a genuine, strong, emphatic connection with -  and so I asked if I could add them to the project, and kindly they all accepted.

A interesting point to register is that a couple of days after shooting the last person from the NY series, my workshop teacher Suzuki S. -   naturally the answer came in me for one of these questions: what is the most important thing in life for me (?) - and naturally I realized-  I realize now clearly, the MOST important thing in Life for ME is KINDNESS: to be kind to yourself and to others. I am happy I found this personal answer for myself -  I still struggle with the other one though - what is the LEAST important thing in life ?

The answer will come, when its time.
For now I am happy I have one answer -  I started this project with no answers whatsoever.

Also I look back and reflect on role of art, as a valuable tool of self discovery and the mysterious, intricate, complex nature of life : things like personal journeys and its complexities, its intricate links to events and people -  how you absolutely cannot to get to point C whiteout traveling A and B -  how small, unpredictable events and people are strangely linked, likes threads, one bringing the another -  taking us to where we need to go - like a water current -   takings us in our own private journey.  How wonderful, how complex, how fascinating -  I feel sometimes I could just watch how life naturally happens in front of my eyes - but I SHOULD not forget to live (!) -  its very tempting sometimes just to watch :)))

Julie Spodek

To Julie, I really want to add a special note on her as a person, and the BIG impact of meeting her. Julie was one of the most inspiring human beings I have met lately -  everything about her is Kind, genuine, generous and for all these reasons beautiful. Her vulnerability, her open way to show always who she is, what she is thinking and what she is feeling, made me immediately like her deeply - like a sister I have know for along time. Being able to have met her and presence her current journey and partly what led to here - was for me deeply felt like a blessing - Julie for all that you were and made you what you are now thank you (!) 
You were my NY Muse 

Yukio Suzuki

To Suzuki S., also I have a deep thank you I want to express  - it was his work and workshop that made me want to come to NY -  and by coming to NY -  the all experience -  I feel sincerely a take a new journey and  I feel I take something very positive. I was also inspired not only by the work, but also by the person presence -  a calm, sunny  and generous presence. You dont need to know the person well, you can only feel it  -and for every kind, generous person I encounter in my life I am truly thankfull.
I was very re-comforted to watch my belief, once again , that great talent comes with the touching beauty of humbleness.


To Abbi,  well what can I say -  when I grow up this is the person I know I can be ( ^^). Two words for Abbi that makes her value her weight in pure gold: Wisdom + Generosity. She is a pillar of strength to those who naturally came to her  -  she helps, she can help, she knows how to and width a true sense of warmth -  Abbi cares, she cares genuinely about anyone she encounters and helps in her life. She is the kind of person who will come in unexpectedly in your life and leave you with that little phrase, that you were looking for all this time to sort that problem out -  she is a modern day SOUL ANGEL.

It has been a privilege to meet you and thank you so much for your words and guidance
xx love xx

Angela Pham

To Angela, or Pham  - its hard not to fall for you, after all  you cook divinely, take amazing photos, can edit 5 star videos, writes  eccentrically beautifully and of course is beautiful, sexy but has apparently little IDEA she is all these things.

But the most appealing trait of Angela,  I find personally -  his her belief in her passions, her courage to follow them and to take any falls that might come in the way from finding a meaning in life from them.
Beauty from everywhere.