Saturday, 20 November 2010

NY Sevens

Ah -  the SEVENTH roll, some interesting facts -  not because it was roll number 7 - but in here some of my MOST favorite shot sections of NY, the HIGH-LINE sequence -  turned out beautifully, naturally -  I want to register NONE / 0 of my photos are retouched whatsoever -  this is the beauty of FILM -  you get what you get and believe me you always get the best result possible always from each shot -  so NO retouching, no cropping - this is truth, this is 7 , this is what the camera remembers and or shared view -  a artistic, insightful partnership -  me and my camera.

Coming back to the interesting facts, coincidence or not, fate or not , here they are the REAL facts about
the roll NUMBER 7 :

- I found a 6 on the floor
- Bottom of 7 - abs. my FAVORITE shot of all NY -  the moment while walking over the Manhattan High Line -  the angle of the massive cold apartment building , caught me eye, and on the time of the frame shot decision a man appears, stands in front of which is EXACTLY bottom window NUMBER 7 - and speaks alone in the phone. The clear relationships, so coincidentally formed by that moment: the scale differences ( the tiny man inside the Massive big building), the cold silent colors of the building itself ( representing so perfectly the NON-HUMAN aspect, the soulless aspect) in one way and on the other way the warm light that can be seen coming from windows, the sense strong sense of verticality of the building, raising powerfully up, taking our eye up and contrasting with the man figure on the bottom, which dominates the attention on the scene -  the little man, alone, inside the building, the smallest scale aspect that makes the scene so special and captures interest. I just LOVE this shot, but even the more to have presenciated this moment, and to have spotted the power of this scene.
- Tokyo 7 - a important start of a personal journey to truth

I and 7 - do I follow it? or does it follow me ?

( on the way to the Photo Lab)

( Choosing paper for photo prints@ Chelsea Photo Lab)

Hand over Bill
(@ Chelsea Photo Lab)
The last view -  girl in pleated skirt
(@ Chelsea Photo Lab)

Dream World
(on the way to  Manhattan High Line)

More to break
(on the way to  Manhattan High Line)

 Six before Seven
(on the way to  Manhattan High Line)

I take your picture
(on the way to  Manhattan High Line

 nearly, perfectly, horizontally
(on the way to  Manhattan High Line)

(@ Manhattan High Line)

(@ Manhattan High Line)

Bottom of 7 
(@ Manhattan High Line)

 Americana slice
(@ Manhattan High Line)

by your side briefly -  reality 1
(@ Manhattan High Line)

by your side briefly -  reality 1
(@ Manhattan High Line)

The sunset EXACTLY has the camera remembered it

irresistibly attracted to a common shot
(view from Manhattan High Line)

Tokyo 7
( shop @ East Village - Manhattan)

What is left behind -  self portrait
( restroom @ East Village - Manhattan)