Wednesday, 7 April 2010

My latest musical/poetic gem ... Gil Scott- Heron

I'm New Here ...
by Gil Scott-heron

I did not become someone different
That I did not want to be
But I'm new here
Will you show me around

No matter how far wrong you've gone
You can always turn around
Met a woman in a bar
Told her I was hard to get to know
And near impossible to forget
She said i had an ego on me
The size of Texas

Well I'm new here and I forget
Does that mean big or small

No matter how far wrong you've gone You can always tournaround

And I'm shedding plates like a snake
And it may be crazy but I'm
the closest thing I have
To a voice of reason

Turnaround turnaround turnaround
And you may come full circle
and be new here again

My latest musical/poetical love experience: the beautiful voice and words of Mr. Gil Scott -Heron. 
Such a deep, poetic and therefore BEAUTIFUL voice of HUMAN EXPERIENCE.
The voice echos, trembles inside my own experiences...
The words tingle, bright, crystalline, freshen, make me dizzy in hope...

It took this man 16 years to put together  80 minutes of universal, human beauty and realization...
We can now just listen to his voice, find our own and ecstasy in pure beauty ...

This as taken me unexpectedly again into a mind journey...

Listening to his music, reading his words, being touched by it - reflecting myself in it, proves me personally once again two fundamental things:

1- apart from abysmatic differences we are forced upon to (race, age, social, sex, moral), please let us  do not forget that as human beings we all share a common ground trail of experience ... at some point we all question, love, despair, suffer, excel...  and if we managed NOT TO FORGET that, them we will for sure be kinder to ourselves and to others, be less lonely, less desperate, less cruel and more aware of BEAUTY (that kind the senses cannot approach and the kind that make us overspill).

Being able to CONNECT, exit ourselves , be immense and touch all and everything ... I am sure this is a HUMAN CAPACITY ... the world would be such a better place, if we all would remember to connect, more often, with us and all around us...

2 - The POWER of HOPE and VULNERABILITY - the realization of human nature: imperfect, erratic but with an immense powerful desire for perfection, harmony. BEAUTY and TENSION, make us move into new things, make us trail, walk, live, learn ... when we arrive, we face REALIZATION, to which this song is such a BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT example of...

The greatest power of being human, might just well be ... to HOPE.