Saturday, 3 April 2010

the 5.00 AM bird song ...

I have came to know I am in  Spring when I hear birds singing around 5.00 am.
Tonight it was the first time in the year I have heard him...
... it transports me to the other side of life, reality - one that is not quite so dull, not quite so dense - one who was fantasy, beauty, purity and fulfillment.

I wake up with a single one bird song. He sings alone, and them he waits.... them, he repeats his song again, creating a musical pattern of beauty and silence,  projection and stillness, joy and sadness.
I want to see the image of this bird, who is singing outside, in the morning cold, alone. I have tried to spot him several times, but whiteout success - it always remains just a voice with no image - just like feelings.
I have never seen how this bird who blissfully wakes me up at 5.00 am looks like. I imagine tough that he is small, beautiful and vulnerable ... the voice so much bigger than the body.

The human mind is a wonderful thing ... how can a single bird song at an awkward time of the night, trigger this state I am in right now... the world is generous, life is generous... there is so much beauty, freely handed to us everywhere, ready to be savored, ready to heal us.... beauty, fulfillment is everywhere, it is just waiting to be discovered, taken and transformed (the alchemist).
Artists are not supreme beings, they are just natural alchemists, who intuitively understand the dormant beauty potential existing in all things - nature, feelings, pain, love -  the only thing they do is  to voice it outside themselves. Even the voice is not a unique gift, every human being has a voice, the crucial difference is that the artist is forced to shout. This is why it is a mistake to think of artists as superior beings -  ultimately we are all equal.

In the end - and all starting with a little bird song at 5.00 am -  I came to realize how wonderful... I have arrived, reached myself .... the world is not a heavy stone anymore, instead it is a blind staking beautiful, never ending white canvas where everything I wish for happens, it is a always present generous hand who constantly spills over me beauty. I now live within me and within all things in my life.