Look at these two - what else could a man aspire in a lifetime, if not to remain a adolescent boy till hes last days, have his cake and eat it when he wants it, having a endless varity of female ground soil at his reach to cement his relevant genes on and occasionally play houses in a relantionship.
Well, there is no doubtly Masculine success - as we have been brainwashed but reluct to admit, as it is not quite so politically correct these days after feminism. In the 50s all of these was normal and perfectly aceptable to have women in adds cooking and cleaning all day, subservient the lords and meaning of theyre existence: the husband and the family.
So like, the NATURAL belief ( still enrooted in the vast majority in the human population these days) that NATURE and ANIMALS exist in this planet merely with the FUNCTION to serve us all MIGHTY HUMANS
So the WOMAN was CREATED to please, serve, satisfy and later on tempt/ confuse/ make a mess of the man ( thats were ALL the trouble probably begin - early days of Chatolicism and Patriarchalism )
( early pagan days, society and religion were mainly focused on female roles and archetypes- a spine bone to humanity culture and society - until one fine day a man decided to stop all this and revert the power to the male figure - AKA CHATOLICISM - or the GREAT COMICAL CRUEL (RE) INVENTION of MAN the POWER MALE FIGURE)
No we cant quite do that, so the clever, ever adapting alpha male, found something called SELF-ENTITLEMENT - subtely masked under so many expresions, beliefs and atititudes, lets look at some of my favorite:
- A man can look at a woman and decide if she is girlfriend, wife or bed material ( I particular like the term "material " ), based on her looks or lifestyle or history.
- A man can justify and lick his conscience by believing in things like: its always more HARD for the woman, thats just the way life is ( YES, thank you mainly to MEN )
- to believe and accept that women have certain limitations or pre-canonnized roles to assume: age, youth, fecundity,etc... all of these beliefs coincidentally very much in the end in favor and supportive of the free demoralization of Patriarchalism, Masculinity and Self-entitlement values - a conscience green card and a sedative pill basically, to go trough life having your cake, eating it and think its ok ( we humans are exceptionally good at rationalizing poor behavior, especially if it to clean up our conscience).
But for some ( males ) there is something even better called : SELF - ENTITLEMENT - feed by chilchood education values, immaturity, self- centerness, insecurity, or pure indulgence - this MAGICAL pass allows you to actually believe you have some kind of genetic right to certain type of behaviours ( aka the MALE biological role of spreading his descendency to as many females as possible ) - that that is the NATURAL order of things in this world and therefore not ( very conveniently sometimes ) questionable.
SELF - ENTITLEMENT is often a ass-clown best friend.
And then, finally lets us not forgett the important but not less PATHETIC ROLE of women in all this, which STUPIDLY perpetuate these source of GENDER INEQUALITY - by still allowing raising little boys who are discourage to be sensitive or acknowledge extreme emotion, raising mommy boys over no doubtly the most devoted love doing every single thing in the house for them until far beyond childwood, not allowing little boys to enter and understand the female and human co-dependency emotional world from a young age - and BY TRYING TO LIVE UP to these beliefs in the first place BY trying to PERPETUATE YOUTHNESS and PHSYCAL BEAUTY - in other words pimping to be PREY to MEN.
So its a MENS world still,
but we ( WOMEN ) pretty much ALLOW IT and ENCOURAGE IT.