Monday, 22 November 2010

NY Tens

The tents NY roll -  mostly spent Saturday while cycling around East Village. Really liked this day -  this was something I really wanted to do -  just to cycle around the streets of Manhattan  - thanks to P. that was possible -  apart for the potential danger I represented to myself and to those around me as a no - experience - whatsoever - urban biker -  I  managed to FALL only ONCE (!) -  a amusing fall, while stopped at a traffic light  -  suddenly, you could just see me slowly vanishing away toward the floor on a gentle diagonal - ^^ - LOL - a stopping fall not to forget (!) ( usually people fall while cycling, and not when they are stopped already in theyre bikes -  well - I - guess - thats me - NOT USUAL (!)

Thanks to Design Nirvana biker -  who took the challenge to cycle baby-sitting me around the streets of Manhattan and for some delicious cupcakes - was really a PERFECT, COLD, COOL, MANHATTAN SATURDAY afternoon :) (!) -  will try to make up next time ure in town.

Here, some pics.

Cigarette but on red circle
(@ East village)

The bicycle chat up man Dog 1 -  crazy face (!)
(on the way to renting bikes)
(@ East village)

The bicycle chat up man Dog 2 -  crazy face (!)
(on the way to renting bikes)
(@ East village)

Another bridge -  hold my leg so I dont fall view (!)
(more cycling than Falling)
(@ roundabout East-Village Manhattan)

Design Nirvana cycler 

(more cycling than Falling)
(@ roundabout East-Village Manhattan)

Lemon powder
(@East village cup cake store)

Cup a couple
(@East village cup cake store)

 Do you DREAM about pudding (?) dont lie (!)
(@East village cup cake store)

Birthday Candles
(@East village cup cake store)

Asymmetry -  stop
( East Village cycling)

Life is FUCKED UP -  pigeon waiting to die

PERSONAL NOTES : strong moment, where I felt genuine pain for the suffering life, I felt it like it was a part of me, because it was part of me, all suffering is mine and all joy is mine -  this is what being alive in this world means. The pain of accepting that sometimes,as much as you would want, you CANT JUST NOT help others pain -  still you encounter, you watch, you connect, you realize and you leave.
Life is sometimes a little FUCKED UP -  you just have not to loose faith.
(@ East village)

 Camouflaged asymmetry  - injury disquised
( on a closer look -  she was not wearing same boots)
(@ East village)

Homeless music
(@ East village)

Stage Restaurant -  peep view
(@ East village)

Smoke Ascending
(@ East village)