Tuesday, 19 October 2010

THIS is FILM - sculpture class wax n.3 - BLACK WAX - life modeling

These classes are always so interesting: the work, the people, the images, the sounds, the thoughts - I really have to make a effort often to concentrate in the pose - there are too many mental and visual distractions.

Because also maybe of the physicality and proximity of the space - other peoples space nearer mine- more difficult to remain isolated and disconnected, naturally  - one picks ups whats happening around.

French and English - how different.

I look forward to document / photograph the development of the body and pose building.
At the moment is really fascinating to see how each different individual -  has theyre own fingerprint in building the forms, understanding the movement and abs. fascinating in these earlier stages of the work is to observe the visual traces of the body building movement -  each person builds the body with a very different type of movement - hands and particularly fingers ( they are the brushes, the pencils, the pens).

Finally, observing the silent life of the figures itself
and how in theyre inanimated  silence they speak and habit the space ( lonely - after everyone vanished for tea -  the figures are left behind -  beauty/ loliness/ silence).

After the structure building - the wire of the movement of the figure
The filling work begins - layer after layer, piece after piece - adding, adding
the body begins
the movement is reenforced

The full story below -  difficulty in selecting shots
one of my fav. BW rolls lately.