Sunday, 22 August 2010

WHY do BAD things happen to GOOD people (?) (!)

M. just told me, one of his mothers best friends, Vera -  has just discovered she has lung cancer.
We were so socked, all of us - Vera is a Buddhist and a vegetarian for the past 3o years, always so kind, so generous and so health careful ( she is always taking care of everyone) -  such a kind , beautiful soul - why (?) (?) (?)

Why do bad things happen to good people (?)
Vera all the love in the world for you and please remember our toughths, hearts and strength are with you.

The body is so week, unpredictable, unreliable
and still it  has the enormous responsibility  of containing the soul

We overlook,
keep on forgetting the importance of the body
(we dont eat, dont rest, dont listen to the body)
and still nothing can be done
in this life
without a body

The body scares me sometimes
my own too
and I fear
for m own week body

My own body
who at the age of 14
let me down so bad

my spine injury
I had to quit so many years of ballet training
the ballet academy
and a promising  future ( my teachers said)
and my dream
at the time

I could never dance ballet again

I was left with a different
asymmetric body
for many years I did not know what to do with my new body
how to use it to dance again

so for so many years
I forgot about my own body
and my dreams

The body
is so precious

To Vera,
with Love