Wednesday, 18 August 2010

THIS IS WORK - V. Goodman atelier session (Ali Farka soundtrack)

Usually I refuse private atelier work -  for obvious reason.

But  I was really looking forward to work with this particular painter, as the work was really good.
My gut feeling accurate as ever -  the day was perfect and the work exciting.

The atmosphere is much more intimate, but also surprisingly much more relaxing  - and incredibly I am able to pauses between posing time (great (!).

The poses tought were (some) physically demanding - this is where my asthanga comes into help: legs + back and torso tensions - no problem (!) -  still it is really this more poetic but physically demanding work I LOVE to do anyway, as there is a strong connection with movement and expression.

longer sustained arm poses involving weight and lifts- still room for improvement - more asthanga on the way (!)

I really like V. work - the strong but natural use of colour, the boldness of the size of the compositions and especially, the kinda off serene dynamic energy in the paintings.

We were looking for movement and body expression/tension - so the beg. of the session started with me being free to create a series of short very dynamic/intense/movement poses (just what I love doing ).
I used a lot of butoh -  no one in London seems to know what it is - but all get really fascinated with the concept.

The 5 hours went fast, especially at the sound of Ali Farka Toure albums on Spotify - a perfect days work - what else could I ask for (?)

In the end looking at the drawings produced, I feel I start to be able to identify the natural quality of my body/movement  3 words come to my mind: poetic, fluid and a kind of soft intensity.

Here are a few shoots of  some of my  fav. drawings from V. (full story to come later),
Thank you.

V. CAN Draw (!) (!) (!)
3 minute pose aprox.
(butoh inspired)

5 minute pose aprox.
(classic + butoh  inspired -  expressing torso +arm fluidity )

5 minute pose aprox.
(butoh  inspired -  paying attention to the composition of the hand)

5 minute pose aprox.
( butoh  inspired -  paying attention to the expression of the hand)
(V. drawing suddenly changing to Egon Schiele style)

5 minute pose aprox.
(butoh  inspired -  exploring idea of collapsing / falling -part 1)
(paying attention to the expression  of hands, feet and head)
(very Egon Schiele style)

5 minute pose aprox.
(butoh  inspired -  exploring idea of collapsing / falling -part 2)
(playing with compositional possibilities with feet + hands)
(very Egon Schiele style)