Monday, 17 January 2011

I go to sleep

Sometimes we lie,
just because
we cant resist beauty,
the poetry of the moment
the highness of the utopic dream

(from: confessions of a Serial Romantic )

My new track addiction,
I must have heard it at least
20 times in a row

The mood is addictive,
totally descontructed or disconneted
from reality

the andro, mourning
poetic voice of her
like I could not at the beginning
decide if it was a girl or a boy

I -g-o--to--s-l-ee-p
and imagine
7 girls in black lipstick

Still trying to define, figure out
this musical addiction of mine

what is this type of sound
I am so drawn to?
what are its qualities

Emo - yes
Electronic - yes
Goth -  yes, potentialy
Poetic -  no doubt