sometimes I almost think I should be paying to listen - especially in sculpture the perception and approach to the body is so different from any other art media, its really interesting to see how to break in from real life form to sculpture.
Listening all the time, learning so much and now having myself as well incorporated a new perception of my own body and sculpture - I will never see again the body or sculpture the same way. I have now developed a extra sense of admiration for this media and its artist - many times I was so puzzled to think, how are they gonna build this shape trough pure observation ) we see 2D but the sculpture engulfs simultaneously 3D. Well the way they do it, is trough many hours of perseverance observation and trial, and ultimately to build up a sculptor eye - one who is very sensitive to human shape and most importantly devotedly dedicated to scrutinize detail in all human shape from knees, to elbows, to necks, to face muscles.
Kindly Hywel took these nice photos of me while posing - Thank you and I think you are approved on film shooting.