Tuesday, 21 December 2010

THIS is ENERGY - no bullshit, moon changes are powerful energy swifts - one can really sense it

I know, I know, many of you think its bullshit, dreamy stuff, womans stuff -  but lets get to the facts - how many managed to have a good night sleep yesterday ? many of my FB friends had post later yesterday night staying they could not sleep -  its not a coincidence -  yesterday it was one of the most powerful  energetic swifts of the year -  the Solstice Lunar Eclipse. 

As for me, and as for always I can say I could not sleep -  the energy is just to strong to be  ignored - a strange sense of sensing this energy -  mysterious, vague, half sleep half awake -  but a strong sense of importance - the solstice energetic presence itself - felt clearly yesterday in my mind - reming me , remind us that a important time of swift has arrived.

And so we all go on , aware or not, in our own journeys
still it bothers me
it intrigues me
I cannot sleep

Solstice Lunar Eclipse
Late Monday Night, December 20th, 2011

The Solstice time has come round again and as we prepare for another New Year we must take the old one into account as well. That is the message of the very important holiday season this year as we move closer yet to the tempestuous teens of this dawning 21st century. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse taking place in the early hours of Tuesday the 21st represents a wonderful opportunity to make a vital assessment of where the energy of this next year will take us and how we plan to respond.
In an extremely rare occurrence, the Winter Solstice happens on the afternoon of the same day, the 21st. The solstice is always a potent time for new beginnings because the shortest day of the year has arrived and this means in entirely simplistic and yet ultimately profound terms that the light is returning. This solstice is made even more powerful by the earlier Lunar Eclipse which is designed to allow you to look backward as well as forward as you contemplate a different future for yourself that yet does not break completely with your past. The eclipse is happening in the last degrees of Sagittarius and Gemini, and makes a T-square to Jupiter and Uranus, conjunct in Pisces. Although the energy of these latter planetary archetypes is all about going forward, radiant with new vision for a better future, leaving the past completely behind, that energy is moderated by the eclipse itself. This is because it seeks to connect us to who we are based upon who we have always been, a kind of looking back. Taking place in the last degrees of the signs before the Cardinal signs of Capricorn and Cancer, which are symbolized in the Solstice, it makes the point that where we have been is as important as where we are going. This Full Moon energy therefore represents a flowering of all that we have been and learned in our life cycle up to now. We can be more than we would ever have imagined if we can take a measured stance on what we truly desire in our heart of hearts to actually accomplish. This very potent and very revealing solstice time is holy, and if we so treat it, we will see the rewards begin to manifest for us after the New Year.
The eclipse degrees in late Gemini and Sagittarius have the Sabian symbols of "Bathing Beauties on Parade" and "The Pope" – with all the pomp and splendor these images convey, and for all their connection to collective values. We can either fall back into show and surface glitter or we can make the effort to be a focal point for the society around us to regain some semblance of pride and wisdom. It is important to note that Mercury is retrograde right now, and moving backward into Sagittarius, still in conjunction with the eclipse degree and square to Uranus. It will not re-enter Capricorn until January and will not regain its lost Zodiacal longitude until January 15th – so we have two weeks into the New Year to mull over our potential choices before taking more deliberate action.