workshop studio - light and metal patterns

drawing lines - I love to impro. on others lines on the floor
(its a a exciting score cheat)
some light came in
a detail from Florence Peake workshop - MAKING
Coventry was one of the hardest bombed UK cities in the II world war - 40% of the building destroyed
a strange open view
Coventry cathedral - this massive church was bombed and the all ceiling collapsed, leaving only its surrounding walls - a really strange feeling to look at and even stranger to be inside this space.
Father Forgive us: a REAL touching story (this happened in reality)- after the church being bombed, the next day the priest came inside the collapsed church and from the missing ceiling he saw in the flor two wooden burned trunks that fell down in a position of a cross. He took them and bind them together with metal and sent them to Berlin, to the Nazi headquarters with a note saying: Father, pls forgive us .
What a incredibly touching story (!) how beautiful (!) how human (!)

knitting whiteout tears - one of the evening performances
Ellen Terry and Arts Building - the venue for the Summer Dancing formation.