Four days ago I woke up remembering having a vivid dream.
I sat down 7.00a am in front of my Mac, and this short story came out:
I remember entering a scrapper corporate building – new york style - going to the elevator and pushing the button to take me to the 3000 floor.
As I elevate, I feel vertiginous, with the thought of going to a place that is so far away from the ground I step.
I don’t remember exactly why I went there, but it was something related to work, and at arrival there was two secretaries who seemed to know me well.
( white - white - white – memory eraser – cannot recall)
(jump - next scene)
I jump to a beach place, resort holiday style, northern Europe alike.
I am told we are very near the north pole and I ask: isn’t the see water too cold for all of those happy people to be bathing in?
There is a common, joyful, natural holiday vive to the place: nothing out of ordinary or away from what you would expect: people sitting on the sand, enjoying, talking, relaxing and people playing, having fun I the see - children too - young families mostly.
I melt with the flow and join the place
I am now running barefoot nearby the see water – with the end of the waves greeting me
I play, joy unaware with my little dog
Nearby the water end streamline
The joy and enthusiasm build up
And I forget the water is cold,
I forget I am fully dress
And in the momentum
of the running play and catch game with my little white dog
I fall deeper into the water, into the see
For a moment I remember
That the water is cold
That I have my clothes on – and that this is a bit of a silly thing to do ( going in the water fully clothed )
Suddenly I feel danger
I went to deep on the water
And I can feel know the challenging strength
Of what it seems to a strong wave
Curling back to the sea
In all its strength
Pushing me back to the sea –into a unknown place I fear
I am in threat
(Pause – focus - slow motion)
( The scene frozens in this moment and takes into revelation)
I am being taken away
I realize
Something has got hold of me and is now pushing me strongly into the sea,
Away from my world- the ground, the beach
I resist,
With all and extra strength
All my body in tension
Popping out of itself
directing to land
My arms raised above water
Holding my white little dog – unware of any danger
My focus only to escape
And keep my little white dog
Away from the water
We both have to escape predation
A long moment
Of dual opposite forces
Push intensely in opposite ways
One is me and my dog
We are the prey: escaping – pushing towards to safe ground , to life, to security
Another is what I sense to be the wave, the sea
The predator
Wanting sincerely only to feed regardless
(stop - frozen scene – silence - focus - zoom into meaning/emotion)
now the world around disappears
like someone came with an eraser into this picture
and erased both the beach, the people, the sound, the sea
now there is only
focus, silence
the prey and the predator
in this choreographic moment
of conflict
where they push themselves out of themselves in opposite directions…
( outside this characters
and as a consequence
a great force is created
I wonder where it will manisfest? Where will it go … as it must go somewhere…. )
One last push forwad
And I defeat the sea
escape to land
Holding to my chest
My little white dog
I glimpse a shark fin
Appearing and disapering into the water
It was not the sea who was pulling me
It was the shark who got old of me
And I have escaped it
I look at my back
And I have a hughe shark bite mark
Beautifully healed
Like a drawing
No blood, no pain
No shock,
No fear
Just a confused sense of realization
I have escaped the shark bite
But the memory was left
on the body
Feet on safety on known land
I watch the sea
And the people inside it
I fear for them now
I want to shout
be carefull
there is a shark in these waters
But I have no voice
I have no will
I only have eyes
And I see the shark again
Unexpectedly attempting on prey again
This time it is a young boy child/baby
He bites
Again no blood, no pain, no shouting
Can only remember the slow motion
Expression of the child
Being caught in surprise
Into the mouth of the predator
All is too quick
And smooth
and poetic
The shark has feed
The child disappears
fades from the scene
as if it never was there
And the people on the sea
Continue In they playfull routines
Only I have witness
This intimate moment of prey
(conclusion - leaving the beach)
I turn my back to the sea
walk out of the beach
Feeling safe
step after step
on the sand
And holding my dearest gift
My little white dog
Close to me
As I step into a certain latitude
High black iron gates raise from the sand
behind me
separating me from the beach and this scenes
I am no longer in this place
And it is now that I turn and look back
From behind the safety of the iron gates
The shark leaves the water now
And in madness fury
Comes into land
directed my way
Convulsing outside his world
But still enduring
It twists and curves
in pain and fury
Why does it want to follow me?
And risk its life ?
Why is it in fury?
I look closely
and realize
the shark is a mix of two animals
the head perfect defined – a shark - a predator
the body sofly curved - a seal - the prey
The shark
Stepping into land
Reveals its true nature
Conflicting in its own existence
Both prey and predator…
I have escaped (?) the shark bite ….
But I am still looking back
from behind the gates
a tender interest
towards this fascinating dual creature
half predator, half prey
who has now left his world…
I stand behind the gates,
looking after
the shark/seal
waiting for the next scene ....
End… (?)